Rates & Payment

- Initial 45mins - $158.00 / $172.70 senior
- New episode or Review 45min – $144.90 / $166.40 senior
- Review 30 mins $102.90 / $112.35 senior

Exercise Physiology
- Initial 60min - $150.20
- New episode or Review 45min - $112.35
- Review 30 min – $93.45

- Onero $34.10
- Instructor Pilates $42.00 per class or pack of 5 for $185.00
Please check with reception for other class costs as these can vary.

Late cancellation / Did Not Attend (DNA) fees
Due to the high demand for appointments and classes, we ask that you please provide 24 hours notice if you need to cancel your appointment. Failure to provide adequate notice will incur a cancelation fee.

Allcare Illness Policy​
Please be considerate of our staff and your fellow patients. If you are feeling unwell, or are symptomatic in any way, please do not attend the clinic until you are symptom free.​

If you’re unsure if you should attend your appointment, please call reception and our friendly team will be happy to advise you. No cancellation fees will be charged for rescheduled appointments due to illness.​
68 Sandy Bay Road, Hobart, Sandy Bay, TAS
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All rights reserved.
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